Thursday, January 22, 2009

A doll for Tabbi

This is the doll that I made for Tabbi as we are reading Little House. I tried to make it to look like the doll Laura got for Christmas that she named Charlotte. Isn't she cute! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Little House in the Big Woods

We are back to school after Christmas vacation. I've started reading the book,"Little House in the Big Woods" to Tabbi. She really likes it. This is a picture of the log house we built. We are also doing a lapbook with it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Kings Countrymen

The Kings Countrymen played Saturday night at the Pine Line Depot. George, who usually plays bass for them, wasn't able to be there, so they asked Nathanael to fill in. He did a great job, too!

Nathanael, Rose, Lorn and Dan

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Latest Lapbook

We have been working on lapbooks for our Sabbath School class. Each week we lapbooked the lesson. This is the finished product. We will be starting another one for next quarter. The kids in my class really enjoyed doing the lapbooks.