We were decorating the Christmas tree this morning and Tabbi was excited. She was spinning in a circle in the living room. Her foot stopped spinning but the momentum kept her body moving. Her leg twisted until it snapped! OUCH! Now she will have a cast until sometime after Christmas.
I don't know WHY people were looking at me funny. Just because my five-year-old was standing in the frozen food isle, jumping up and down and yelling,"Yipee! I LOVE brussels sprouts!"
This is what Kermit looks like today! He decided to protect me from a skunk this morning when I went for my walk. I TOLD him to leave it alone! PeeeYouuu!!
We got together with two other homeschooling families during the past few weeks and did a microscope class. This is Nathanael and Tabbi checking out their specimens! They looked at a lot of things, including spider legs, crystals, and hair!
We went to Camp Forest Springs for a field trip with our homeschool group. Tabbi went on a 5 senses hike, a hay ride and made plaster of paris castings of animal footprints.
I am a SAHM, married to Bernie, happily homeschooling the last of our five children, and happy to be grandma to six more!
I like to sew, embroider, quilt, play my mandolin and fiddle, play games with my kids, and collect robins.
Grandaughters: Becca, age 6; Meredith, age 3 and Kathrine born in February 2012
Daughter #2: Nicki
Grandsons: Andre, age 7 and Drake, age 6
Granddaughter: Vanessa, age 3
Daughter#3: Charity
Son: Nathanael
Daughter #4: Tabbi, age 9
Family Quotes
I told Tabbi to "Remind me tomorrow". So she said, "Well, make sure you forget so I can remind you!"
Tabbi trying to figure out the word "height": "Well, without the "h" it says "eight" so the word must be "hate"!
Tabbi: THAT'S a lemonader? (laminator) I thought we were going to put lemons in it and make lemonade.
Our Band
Family Ties
Family Ties
Playing bluegrass gospel music together for the past ten years, we are "Family Ties". Two families "tied" together through the marriage of our children. Back row: George, Bernie, Jed, middle row: Robin and Nathanael, and Tabbi in front.